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These are the committees defined within Public Relations Society of America, Miami Chapter. Click the view members link or the committee name to see a list of committee members. If visible for a committee, click the More info to view additional information about the committee. If there are subcommittees, a list of subcommittees will be displayed. Click on the name of the subcommittee to view the members.
The Accreditation Committee promotes Universal Accreditation within the chapter and encourages eligible members to take the Examination for Accreditation in Public Relations. Minimum standards require that a chapter either sponsor the Examination itself once every two years or encourage its eligible members to take the Examination at the most convenient location available. The committee can work with the chapter Professional Development Committee and other chapter committees in planning and conducting courses or seminars to prepare candidates to take the Examination for Accreditation in Public Relations. Each chapter is provided with a suggested seminar teaching outline. The Accreditation Chair schedules the oral portion of the Examination and arranges for oral examining teams of three Accredited members.
College Relations
The College Relations committee members serve as the liaisons between the different university PRSSA chapters. The College Relations Committee is the voice for PRSSA students and offers students the opportunity to get involved in PRSA events. Through a point system, students are then awarded monies to travel to the National Conference and if the budget allows - scholarships. The committee works with FIU, MDC, UM and FMU.
Digital Communications:
This committee manages the flow of chapter news to members and interested non-members through our website and social media platforms. The committee publicizes chapter activities and member accomplishments such as Member Spotlights, job postings, industry news and all of the professional development events.
The Diversity & Inclusion Committee is devoted to building consciousness by increasing visibility of D&I standards, resources and best practices for racial, ethnic, religious, sexual orientation and gender differences, as well as diverse skill sets, mindsets and cultures at all levels of the organization. The D&I Committee commends PR firms and organizations that have established more diverse workplace environments, and those that have established management programs to help minority groups and LGBT practitioners move up the corporate ladder.
As the public relations profession evolves, so does the need for revised and refreshed ethical standards. The PRSA Code of Ethics is central to the ethical practice of public relations. Ethical concerns and dilemmas occur daily. Recognizing and acknowledging ethical issues as they arise is among the reasons the PRSA Board of Ethics and Professional Standards was created. That is why our local chapter is committed to hosting yearly events focused on this topic. The Ethics Committee is responsible for putting together an event centered on this topic, finding a venue, speakers and providing logistical support.
Ev Clay Endowment Luncheon
This committee was established to handle chapter recognition programs for outstanding service to the chapter and profession. Each year, the Chapter presents the Bill Adams PRSA Lifetime Achievement Award, the PRSA Royal Palm Award, and the Communicator of the Year Award. These awards are presented at the chapter’s Ev Clay/PRSA Miami Chapter Endowment Luncheon in October, where numerous scholarships are presented to deserving students. Established in 1985 in memory of Miami public relations pioneer Everett A. Clay, the Ev Clay/PRSA Miami Chapter Endowment Fund is the largest and perhaps oldest scholarship fund in the nation operated by a PRSA chapter. The committee is responsible for the logistics of the event, registration, budget and marketing materials.
PRSA Miami members have the opportunity to be part of our local IPA group, catering to freelancers, consultants, and independent PR pros. This group provides professional development tools and learning experiences that benefit solo practitioners. The IPA group is intended to create an intimate community where we can gather and share new business opportunities, resources, collaborate, and network with like-minded entrepreneurs.
The Membership Committee is responsible for identifying eligible and qualified candidates within the chapter area, to assist them in becoming members and develop a retention program. An organized program to find candidates should include periodic canvassing of your members for prospects and a systematic check of organizations employing public relations personnel. The committee will be tasked with reaching out to potential members, members about to expire and expired members via calls or email to help provide information on why PRSA is a worthwhile organization to be a part of.
Professional Development
Professional development and networking were cited as the two most important benefits of belonging to PRSA. PRSA's professional development program is an ongoing effort to stimulate the continuing professional education of members. Our chapter conducts at least one professional development program each month. The committee comes up with imaginative programming ideas, venues and speakers in your area. The committee's duties, in addition to scheduling speakers, panelists or other programs, include making all advance arrangements with speakers, obtaining biographical information for introductions, scouting venues, event logistics and promoting the event.
The committee is responsible for helping to solicit funding and in-kind contributions to support the operations of PRSA Miami and its year-round events. In addition, the committee ensures that sponsors receive and see the value for their contributions. Committee members also review chapter sponsorship guidelines and make recommendations to the board, identify sponsorship needs for various, programs/chapter activities and develop and implement a plan to identify potential sponsors. Finally the committee is responsible for soliciting and pursuing sponsorship opportunities and coordinate fulfillment of agreements.
Young PRos
The Young PRos committee aims to help recent graduates with their transition into the PR world.
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