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Now, More Than Ever Campaign

Allison Moraga | Published on 11/29/2021

To put it lightly, the pandemic had put a crimp in every hotel’s style. So as the recovery began and people craved a sense of reality, our campaigns focused on what we heard throughout the lockdown and isolation…that being at our hotel was remarkable. A place where life happened. Vacations. Weddings. Meals. Moments. All of them were memorable, and it was these moments that people wanted to return to. With that in mind, we set out to create a campaign that highlighted times just like that. Seemingly ordinary points in time that were anything but. 


We built a campaign with a poignant headline that made people take notice and then attempted to get inside the reader's mind. Discovering their thoughts and perceptions would eventually lead to these memories, poetically incorporating the natural elements with the resort's signature activities. Our use of additional subheads within the copy only strengthens the message that now is the time. Be safe, get out there, and start making memories again. 


This campaign is especially useful with a multitude of activities, which are inherent to the property and the brand. This enables us to evolve this campaign over seasons and time. The results have been spectacular, with robust response rates. 

To learn more about Smarthinking Inc. visit their website here or follow them on Instagram or LinkedIn for tips and industry insights on branding and marketing. 

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